If I may be a little less than humble and state that I think I have a lot of nice features for a home. My owners paid for a lot of upgrades and the Harvard model itself is the largest and nicest of all the Del Webb homes in Anthem Coventry. With a jacuzzi tub and marble tile in the master bath, double ovens in the kitchen, pergo flooring downstairs, a beautiful children's mural in the front bedroom, and more -- there is a lot to choose from for my best feature. But I think what is really going to sell me is my lot size.
Here's a the lot map that was provided by Del Webb when my home owners bought me. The lot itself is .62 acres. It's about 225 feet across the back wall and 280 feet from the back corner to the curb. The side yards in my back are each the size of the typical Las Vegas back yard for any home that was build since 1999. It's impossible to find a new home with a yard approaching this unless you're willing to build a custom home. And I don't know if you've looked at the prices for custom homes in Las Vegas, but they're up there.
There's plenty of room in my backyard to build a pool, a basketball and tennis court, a guest/pool house, a lawn area, and a entertainment patio/barbeque complex. Even after all that you'll still have the side yards to put something in (my current home over was thinking about a chip and putt practice green). You might think about Xeri-scaping (water smart land use) part of the back yard and even consider putting artificial turf in the back yard. No I'm not talking about that old green rug stuff, today's artificial turf is designed to closely resemble the real stuff with different varieties to choose from. You can also lay artificial turf over foam to make a safe, but cool, child's play area.
I hope you'll print out the picture I've provided and play around with your ideas for the lot. I know I've had a lot of fun doing just that.